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Adria Airways Slovinské národní aerolinie byly založeny roku 1961 jako společnost poskytující charterové. Aer Lingus Irské aerolinie Aer Lingus byly založeny v dubnu roku 1936 a po Ryanairu jsou druhou největší. Aeroflot Největší ruský letecký dopravce, založený 9. První letadlo, tehdy ještě pod vlajkou.
I was deeply honoured to have been awarded the Lifetime Achievement award. I was surprised but delighted to have been nominated and was really amazed and thrilled to learn that I had won. Thank you all very much indeed on all counts. Brian Humphries, EBAA President. Winner in category Lifetime Achievement. Roman Starkov, the founder and co-owner of the company,. Received the award on behalf of FBO RIGA. Fabio Gamba, CEO of the European.